The Leisure Review on coaching

Exploring coaching and coaches across the sport, leisure and culture sector

How to train a police horse
A long face in a match-day crowd led Richard Cheetham to explore a new source of inspiration for sports coaching and consider the real impact of purposeful practice.

Growing sport: achievers, activators and a new role for coaches
The Leisure Review went to Manchester to talk to John Mills, British Cycling’s director of coaching, education and development, to see what’s next on the agenda for one of the UK’s most successful governing bodies. Jonathan Ives reports.

More sport for all: vision or dream?
Wayne Allsopp responds to the Labour party’s policy review of the state of UK sport and offers thoughts on school and community sport, along with some suggestions on improving the structure of specialist sports coaching.

Making the familiar strange: one action that can transform your coaching
Having ventured into unfamiliar territory, Richard Bailey is convinced that an understanding of the impact of the new should an essential part of the coach’s approach to the learning process.

Is coaching defined by system-designers or by coaches?

With the development of coaching and coaches the subject of so much attention, Steve Kemp wonders whether reflecting on your own personal journey as a coach might help make sense of the coaching structures.

The coached experience: stories and recollections beyond winning and losing
A recent PADSIS conference suggested that positive early experiences were far more important than winning in generating enthusiasm for sport and participation. Richard Cheetham considers why “well done” might be the most powerful words in sport.

Approaches for coaches: individuals and teams
Nottingham Trent University hosted the latest in the ongoing series of Coaching Insight events and encouraged those assembled to consider the special requirements of teams, individuals and teams of individuals. The Leisure Review reports.

Crab football, climbing trees and coiffure: an Insight in Manchester
Coaching young adults can present a challenge to coaches. Our latest Coaching Insight seminar explored the minds of the coming generation.

Coaching in business and in sport: a round table discussion
With the likes of David Brailsford taking lessons learned at the cutting edge of sport into commercial settings, the Leisure Review brought three coaches of varying backgrounds to compare the contexts in which they work.



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